Five Little Hot Dogs
A popular song and flannel board activity. Skills include one to one correspondence, fine motor, following directions, and rote counting.
Set includes:
A popular song and flannel board activity. Skills include one to one correspondence, fine motor, following directions, and rote counting.
Retell the delightful story of "Sneezy the Snowman" by author Maureen Wright.
Reinforces lowercase letter recognition and comes with a storage bag.
Going camping? This camping activity will help children identify upper and lowercase letters and match them.
Makes a great math center. Reinforces sorting, counting, and patterning.
This activity will help reinforce number identification, 1-to-1 correspondence, ordering, and ordinal numbers. Place the correct amount of bubbles above each fish.
What better way to teach your children lowercase letters? This activity will reinforce lower case letters, following directions and learning the names of their classmates. This is a great circle, whole group activity.
This math center is for up to 4 children. Children will have fun at this center recognizing numbers, addition, subtraction, 1-to-1 correspondence, and ordering numbers.
Watch out for the shark! A great activity to reinforce number recognition and ordering numbers 0-30.
This activity can be for small or whole groups. Skills in this activity include number identification 0-10, fine motor, counting, and understanding the relationship between numbers and quantities.
Lots of counting goes on with this song/activity. It comes with a guitar pointer and a storage bag. This set coordinates with the song from the "Get Ready" CD by Shari Sloane.
Children will learn the names of the basic shapes while learning the songs that are included.
What better way to teach your children shapes. This activity will reinforce shapes, following directions and learning the names of their classmates. This is a great circle, whole group activity.
Have fun going on a bear hunt. Number recognition, counting, and ordering numbers are skills gained on the hunt.
A great jungle activity/song that teaches skip counting by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, 10,’s and 100’s. This set coordinates with the song from the "Get Ready" CD by Shari Sloane.
Learn to identify numbers 0-25 and letters a-z with this fun popcorn activity. Ordering numbers and letters and sorting are other skills introduced in this activity.
Have a lot of fun and perform a little magic with this activity. Children will learn to follow directions, recognize numbers, ordering, and learn the concept of more, less and the same.
What better way to teach your children numbers. This activity will reinforce numbers, following directions and learning the names of their classmates. This is a great circle, whole group activity.
This is a math center for up to 4 children. The apple center will help children identify numbers, ordering numbers, 1-to-1 correspondence, addition, subtraction, and fine motor skills.
Have fun finding the missing number. Children will learn to recognize 0-20, the number before and after the number they select and ordering numbers.
Learn to count by 5’s using colorful felt hands.
A fun and unique way to teach numbers to your children using the “old woman theme.”
A popular song and flannel board activity. Skills include one to one correspondence, fine motor, following directions, and rote counting.
This is a 6-person math center This activity will help children recognize numbers 1-20, count objects up to 20, and improve their fine motor skills.