My name is Julie Torkelson and I love creating educational materials for early childhood children. I am a retired Minneapolis Public Schools teacher. During my 31 years, I have taught special education, 2nd grade, 1st grade, and kindergarten.
I am married to my wonderful husband, Harold, and have 3 grown sons, 1 wonderful daughter-in law, 4 fabulous grandchildren, and Maggie, our dog.
Katie and Company started about 23 years ago while I was still teaching. I started developing materials that would reinforce reading and math for my students who were struggling. And that is how Katie and Company began. People often ask me how we came up with the name. Katie is actually our great-niece Kaitlyn. When she was born, she was the first girl in our family in 27 years.
Today, our business is still blooming. Harold is enjoying his retirement working for Katie and Company. He helps me die cut and does the conferences with me. He is a great helper (but don’t tell him I said that - it goes to his head.).
I try to put a little love in everything I make. I hope your children’s skills continue to grow and that you enjoy using my materials with your children as much as I enjoy creating and making them.
.: Julie :.